Fundamental Advances to Enable the Large-Scale Deployment of UnderGround Hydrogen Storage for a Green Hydrogen Economy

Funding provided by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

TED2021-129991B-C31 (UDC)
TED2021-129991B-C32 (UPM)
TED2021-129991B-C33 (CSIC)

About the Proyect


Fundamental Advances to Enable the Large-Scale Deployment of UnderGround Hydrogen Storage for a Green Hydrogen Economy

The massive underground storage of hydrogen is a powerful means to manage the lag between energy production and demand, which are typical for renewable sources like wind and solar. These energy sources are subject to seasonal variations, which leads to an unsteady electricity supply to the grid. The resulting imbalance between supply and demand requires a strategy for the massive storage of the excess energy. Hydrogen plays a key role in this context as an energy carrier because it has a high specific energy and its combustion product is mostly water vapor. But large volumes are required to meet energy storage requirements (GWh to Twh).

Geological formations such as saline aquifers, evaporite caves and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs provide storage capacities in the necessary energy range. Geomechanics, multiphase flow, transport, mixing and reaction are challenging research topics involved in these formations.

The general objective of Green-HUGS is to advance the knowledge base for the efficient and safe geological storage of hydrogen and thus contribute to a green-hydrogen economy and the transition to a carbon-neutral society.

The project is divided in three subprojects in a collaborative work between 3 research groups:

  • TED2021-129991B-C31: Subproject lead by the Group of Numerical Methods in Engineering from the Universidade da Coruña (UDC). 231,840.00 € (7 researchers + 2 work team members).
  • TED2021-129991B-C32: Subproject lead by the Department of Civil Engineering: Hydraulics, Energy and Environment at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). 181,470.00 € (4 researchers + 3 work team members).
  • TED2021-129991B-C33: Subproject lead by the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). 257,370.00 € (5 researchers + 4 work team members).

The project has been funded with a total budjet of 670,680.00 €.


This project is funded by the 2021 call for of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Ministry of Science and Innovation

Spain Government


Uropean Union

Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan

Spain Government

State Investigation Agency


Activity and Results

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  • Publications
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  • Other

The Green-HUGS research project:

Seminar given by Dr. J. París at École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers (ENSAM) - ParisTech , 05/02/2024

MS030 Hydrogen Underground Storage (HUGS)

Minisimposium organized at the 9th Eropean Congress on Compuational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 3-7 of June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal




José París

Principal Investigator (SP#1)

Ignasi Colominas

Principal Investigator(SP#1)

David Santillán

Principal Investigator (SP#2)

Luis Cueto-Felgueroso

Principal Investigator (SP#2)

Marco Dentz

Principal Investigator (SP#3)

Juan José Hidalgo

Principal Investigator (SP#3)

Partners and Associates